Mobile Series

These are videos on the go, normally shot on the road or extempo at some store to show you real-life daily usage of the language.

You may directly go to the YouTube PlayList or simply follow links in corresponding posts :-).

Here is just the introduction video to the Mobile Video Series. Many videos were made and many more are added frequently. Thank you for visiting and I hope you will find a video that you need to help you in the right situation.


Watch Introductory Videos


Learn KiSwahili by songs

How about some food

Can food help you learn KiSwahili?

Most Recent Playlist

We have several playlists, please choose a list you want to interact with. It is suggested that you follow videos by a sequential number. That would be the most helpful to learn progressively. However, in the “Word of the Day” series, you can watch the videos in any order.

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